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This paper is devoted to an experimental study of swept wing leading edge contamination by the turbulence emanating from the wing-wall junction. The main objective is to delay the contamination onset by applying surface suction along the attachment line. Two series of experiments are described; the first one was performed in a small wind tunnel at CERT ONERA, the second one was carried out in the F2 wind tunnel at Le Fauga Mauzac centre. Hot film measurements showed that leading edge contamination could be delayed up to very large Reynolds numbers. We also studied the behaviour of the relaminarized boundary layer downstream of the sucked region, along the span as well as in the chordwise direction.  相似文献   
电阻式传感器的核心部件——电阻应变计是目前最常用的应力分析的敏感元件。也常用于测量力、压力、扭矩和加速度等物理量。作者简要回顾了电阻应变计的发展历史,介绍了电阻应变计的结构、分类及现状,展望了电阻式传感器的前景。  相似文献   
光纤氢传感技术的研究现状及其应用前景   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
分析了光纤氢传感技术发展的现状和特点,比较了几种典型光纤氢传感器的结构和工作原理。指出了光纤氢传感技术是测量易爆环境下氢气浓度的有效方法,并对光纤氢传感技术的应用前景和有待解决的问题进行了讨论。  相似文献   
超音速射流气膜冷却效果的试验研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
以二维平板模型高速导弹头罩上的探测窗口,用电加温产生的热气流模拟导弹飞行时的气动加热,对采用气膜邓控制导弹探测窗口温度的效果及规律进行了研究。着重探讨了气膜冷却临界长度LC与气膜冷却有效度η随射流缝高S,喷射率λ及主射流夹角α等参数的变化规律,并总结出一个相关参数及一些经验公式。研究结果与国外有关文献基本一致。  相似文献   
挤压油膜阻尼器的均匀两相流模型   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
在挤压油膜阻尼器内气穴现象实验研究的基础上,对挤压油膜因气穴现象而发生物理特性的变化进行了讨论。气液均相流模型作为挤压油膜的近似描述,导出了上述模型的密度和粘度与油膜压力之间的关系式。定性地分析了当挤压油膜采用这一可压缩模型时,其压力分布的描述更能与实际接近,对阻尼器的力学特性的准确预测有重要的参考价值。  相似文献   
本文从主次流气动参数(相对静压降、主次流温比、主流马赫数等)和冷却结构(冲击高度、开孔率等)两方面比较分析了两种双层壁复合冷却结构及对应的单层壁冷却结构的冷却效率。试验结果表明:气动参数中相对压降对冷却效率的影响较大,结构参数中冲击高度对冷却效率的影响较小,而试验孔板开孔率对冷却效率的影响较大,增加冲击板后的双层壁复合冷却结构冷却效率大大增强。  相似文献   
针对涡轮叶片尾缘冷却结构特点,建立了后台阶三维缝隙结构气膜冷却特性试验台,测量了缝隙中心和肋中心下游换热系数的局部分布,研究了不同雷诺数Re(5000~15000)与吹风比Br(0.5~2.0)对换热系数的影响规律,试验结果表明:(1)出口的换热系数总体呈下降趋势,但在肋后中心线略有起伏;(2)随着Re的增大,换热系数增大,随着Br的增大,换热系数减小;(3)在靠近出口位置,由于热边界层与三维掺混特性流场的影响,使得换热变得复杂。  相似文献   
Some fundamental studies on the preparation, structure and optical properties of NbN films were carried out. NbN thin films were deposited by DC reactive magnetron sputtering at different N2 partial pressures and different substrate temperatures ranging from –50 ℃ to 600 ℃. X-ray diffraction analysis (XRD) and scanning electron microscopy (SEM) were employed to characterize their phase com- ponents, microstructures, grain sizes and surface morphology. Optical properties inclusive of refractive indexes, extinction coefficients and transmittance of the NbN films under different sputtering conditions were measured. With the increase in the N2 partial pressure, δ-NbN phase structure gets forming and the grain size and lattice constant of the cubic NbN increasing. The deposited NbN film has relatively high values of refractive index and extinction coefficient in the wavelength ranging from 240 nm to 830 nm. Substrate tem- perature exerts notable influences on the microstructure and optical transmittance of the NbN films. The grain sizes of the δ-NbN film remarkably increase with the rise of the substrate temperature, while the transmittance of the films with the same thickness decreases. Ultra-fine granular film with particle size of several nanometers forms when the substrate is cooled to –50 ℃, and a remarkable aug- mentation of transmittance could be noticed under so low a temperature.  相似文献   
提出了一种利用线阵CCD传感器作为接收装置,以8253编程芯片实现自动测量并实时显示测量结果的底片判读仪透射屏厚度测量系统。文中主要论述了该系统的工作原理和软硬件的实现途径,并分析了系统的测量误差;文章最后列出了实测数据,证明了系统的可行性和先进性。  相似文献   
文章对Kevlar面板Nomex蜂窝夹层结构表面粘贴镀铜箔聚酰亚胺薄膜的工艺进行了研究,分析了工艺特点、工艺流程、工艺难点,以及针对工艺难点所采取的工艺措施,最后根据产品的研制情况给出结论。  相似文献   
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